Be a Buddy:
If a student is witnessing another student being bullied, they should suggest to the bully to stop in a soft non-aggressive tone. It's important to create a culture at school in which most of the students take the proactive approach which makes it very difficult for bullying to exist. Strength is in numbers and if most students bond together toward a common goal, it makes it difficult for the few bullies to succeed at disturbing a positive environment. Buffy shares an antidote about a kid named Larry that he attended grade school with. Larry was a poor kid that got picked on by many kids because he often wore raggedy clothes to school. Buffy was one of the students that had compassion for Larry and would ask the bullies to not bully Larry.
Act of Kindness:
True happiness comes from within by helping others by brightening someone's day with a random act of kindness by paying it forward. A smile, holding the door open for someone, or just saying hello to a stranger! he greatest act of mankind is to inspire other humans by uplifting them instead of tearing them down.
Student Policing:
Teachers can't see everything and that's when bullying usually takes place. Hallways, Bus, Cafeteria, Library etc. That's why students should police each other and have each other's back when they see any bulling. When students witness another student being bullied, students should encourage the bully to not bully the particular student instead of laughing
Proactive Encouragement:
In fact, we recommend teachers take the proactive approach by encouraging their students to develop the habit of uplifting each other by making positive comments to one another. If one has compassion for others by placing themselves in another person shoes, it would detour us from being judgmental. We did not create any of our physical features so why tease or hurt someone's feelings because of their physical attributes. We have no control of who our parents are, or social status.
Social Status:
Classicism is a real issue that is an underlying problem in our society but doesn't get much attention. The homeless person on the street corner deserves to be treated with the same amount of respect as the rich person. One should treat others the way they want to be treated. Just because one has an abundance, doesn't mean they should exalt themselves and treat others that are less fortunate any different. How does one treat the less fortunate when no one is looking. How does one respect the waitress.
Team Player:
In sports, the way to reach your goals as a team is by getting the most out of the less skillful players bringing them along on the winning journey. By not making the less skillful teammates feel good about themselves, it only hinders them from helping the more skillful player reach their goal. Instead of focusing on the mistakes the less skillful player makes, the skillful player compliments them on the things that they do well. In return, the less skillful player will do their very best to not disappoint the more skillful player.
Don't prejudge anyone because they are different. It's okay to be different. Most people are bullied or mistreated because they're different. This is the root cause of most social issues. Regardless of race, political views, financial status, gender, nationality style, etc. It's ok to be different or disagree with someone but still love them instead of exclusion. Through his travels, Buffy shares his experiences in which he has interacted with people that are good and bad from different backgrounds. Never judge people based on what you see but by the content of their character.
Cyber Bullying:
Cyber bulling is just as harmful as in school bullying. Before hitting the send button students should think of the consequences before submitting the hurtful message. Our motto is "Treat others the way you want to be treated" and we all know how we want to be treated. Most of us like to joke and have fun but it should never be at the expense of another person's feelings. We all like the feeling that permeates from being uplifted by someone as opposed to being suppressed. Buffy always ask students how they feel when a fellow student compliments them as opposed to saying something mean. Buffy always share the story in which his mom taught him to always have compassion for others while placing himself in another persons shoes.
When all else fells, if a bully continues to zero in on a particular student, a fellow student should report the ongoing bullying to a teacher or administrator.