The cost for a single assembly is $600.00 and $ 1,150.00 for two assemblies at the same school/venue. If you can't afford to pay the flat fee of $600.00, Coleman will collaborate with your school on an in-school fundraiser in which an admission fee of $2.00 per student can be charged. Any amount raised over $600.00 can be retained by the school for profit.
Website Photos for promotion:
Any photos or information may be printed from the website to promote the show. Some schools use information from the website to produce newsletters or flyers to send home to the parents for advertisement.
Your Location:
If the state in which you reside is not a neighboring state to Louisiana and you want to book Coleman on a specific date, a minimum booking of 3 schools is necessary. If you are flexible on potential dates and you book Coleman while he's scheduled to tour area, your school may book the program at the regular price of $600.00 for a single program and $1,150.00 for two assemblies at the same school.